
welcome to Piklomia!


           AREA LIST

===            The Water Fall Forest 1. ===


The areas are all over the world

                  This is the 1rst area olimar lands in and also the easyest area. It is in a thriving rain forest on an uncharted island.

           The Great Plains 2.

          This area is in the kalahari desert. It is home to mostly grubdogs, insects like ants and beatles, and

                    the meercad or meerkat.

           The Pikmin CitY Ruins 3. 8 tressures in all[]

                 This area is home to mostly grubogs that were once

             domesticated an now roam freely about the ruins eating any

         animals smaller than them. There are a few ponds in this area.

            Misty Swamp 4. 10 tressures in all[]

                   You can only see a few inces ahead of any leader.

                    This is the second wetest area in this game and

                    is crawling with enemies making it very frustrating.

                  This area is in my front yard during the wetest part of spring

           The Tide Pools 5. 20 tressures in all[]

          This is the wetest area in the game an is crawling with aquatic enemies

          one in specifec is the sea starm a slow moving beast shaped like a star with powerful attacks.

            The Stepes 6. 25 tressures in all[]

                   This area is the 2nd to last area in the game and is also the second dryest to.

                   It is spacely populated by mostly aracnorbs, skiter grass or skiter leaves disguised as

                    grass, and four leged mountain beasts or mountain lions

              The Great Plateau 7. 18[]

                 This area is the dryest area in the game and is crawling with all the hardest enemies

                   and bosses! It is on the tallest plateau in ahstrailia.
