
Bread bug caves these are caves the bread bugs live in!

When Olimar and the President come back from the pikmin planet they find out Louie fell out of the treasure hoard right when leaving. The President orders Olimar to get his daughter Libra to come with him to find Louie and more treasures in the Pikmin Planet. When they arrive, he finds a tiny breadbug with a leaf on its head looking up from an onion with a bread shape head. Olimar calls the breadbug over and finds a brown pellet posy with a 20. Libra finds Louie's foot prints and follows them into a hole.

Libra calls Olimar over to investigate the hole he hears tug sounds like breadbugs feet scooting on the ground,Olimar names this hole breadbug abyss.The ship suddenly gives off a word of warning."Danger it seems to have wild beasts more powerful than the average breadbug so i warn you about this!"

Libra goes to find an onion when they stumble upon a purple onion knowing that breadbugs are deafeted by Purple Pikmin Libra and Olimar see the onion sprout Purple Pikmin eventually they get 50 purple pikmin, 40 breadmin, and venture into the hole.

Breadbug Abyss

Sugar Crevice

Snowman's Cane ---- Peppermint

Doughie Treat ---- Marshmellow Mystic Treat ---- White Choclate Lump

Nutty Nonsense ---- Almond

Smooching Goodness ---- Herseys Kiss

Gusty DNA ---- Vulcher Feather

String of Pain ---- Wire

Iron Tire ---- Train Bolt
