Green Taxonomy Project
This page has to do with the organization of the Taxonomy Project and shows a listing of different Taxa. The cannonity of this page is disputable.
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Insettocrustia
Class Langocruris
Family Arachnorb
Genus Pseudoarachnia

Pseudoarachnia is a Genus of creatures on the pikmin planet, and the most common genus in the Arachnorb family. The name comes from Pseudo-, similar or fake, and arachnia, a common misspelling of Arachnida. As such, Pseudoarachnia are the Arachnorbs closest in physiology to the Arachnida class, but deviate in way specific to the Arachnorb genus. Their most obvious difference from Arachnida is that the have both half the number of legs and the number of body divisions as Arachnida, four and one respectively compared to eight and two. However, they are similar to Arachnida in that they are carnivorous, eating pre-digested animals, and have an exoskeleton.

Subgenuses and Species in this Genus[]


